Palliative Medicine & Care: Open Access
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ISSN Online :  2374-8362
Google Scholar :   Citations
Journal DOI :   10.15226/2374-8362/
Pubmed indexed Articles :   PMID: 25574503
Current Issue :  Volume 7 Issue 1 - 2020
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About Journal

Palliative Medicine & Care: Open Access (PMCOA) is a peer reviewed, open access, scientific journal with major focus on practical aspects and critical thought on palliative care and medicine. Palliative care focuses on medical and psychological aspects through which patient’s life can be improved. The journal welcomes scientifically sound and relevant articles on Palliative care and nursing, Geriatric care, Paediatric palliative care and Old age care, Palliative Surgery, Palliative neurology and Oncology, Palliative Psychology and Palliative cancer care.

The aim of the journal is to spread and broaden the education and medical science for understanding the complex matters related to palliative care and medicine. Articles covering pain and symptoms management, providing comfort by multidisciplinary care for terminally ill patients are highly encouraged. International activities and comparative palliative care reports,opinion papers, narrative and humanities work on palliative care and medicine are also considered for publication after peer-review process.

Authors and clinical experts are invited to publish their critical opinions and original findings in a various formats such as original research papers, commentaries, case reports and short communications.

Subject Areas

➢ Palliative Nursing and Care ➢ Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy
➢ Palliative and Supportive Care ➢ Supportive Care in Cancer
➢ Progress in Palliative Care ➢ Microbial Immunology
➢ Palliative Care Research and Therapy ➢ Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine
➢ Palliative Pain Behavior ➢ Geriatric palliative care
➢ Palliative in emergency medicine ➢ Prognostics in palliative
➢ Palliative care in cardiology ➢ Palliative medicine and education
➢ Goal of care ➢ Advances in Palliative Medicine
Listing : ICMJE   

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